
How to wear wedding dresses

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Most women are dreaming about their big day since little girls. Probably the most important step for a bride is your wedding dress. 

A chic, elegant and romantic bridal gown will make your bridal day look charming and wow your wedding guests on your special day. 

If you have pressure to find a perfect dreamy wedding gown or have too many choices of gowns, stress less and we have collected some guidelines about how to wear wedding dresses.

When you are busy with trying on piles and piles of wedding dresses and don’t have time to do list for wedding planning, you will find that an ideal dress is not for everyone. The gown should match your body size and curves.

1. Ball gown wedding dress

Ball gowns are suitable for hourglass-shaped women, which can highlight their body curves. If you want to create curves, chic and pretty sheath wedding dresses can work well.

Shop our picks below:

Glamorous & Dramatic Ball Gown Chapel Train Tulle Wedding Dress($259)

Glamorous & Dramatic Ball Gown Chapel Train Tulle Wedding Dress($229)

2. Mermaid or trumpet dress

A slim bride can choose a mermaid or trumpet dress for adding curves and bust line.

Shop our picks below:

Glamorous Mermaid Court Train Tulle Wedding Dress($229)

3. Empire style wedding dress

Bridal gown in the empire style is perfect for plus-sized brides, which can hide some flaws.

Shop our picks below:

Satin Sweetheart Floor Length A-Line Wedding Dress($207)

Satin Strapless Floor Length A-Line Wedding Dress($144)

